Olivia Rodrigo best sad song lyrics from her latest album Guts to feel understood in your current misery 

Olivia Rodrigo is an American songwriter who debuted with the album Sour in 2021. Only seven days after the release Sour reached 385 million streams. On the 8th of September 2023, her second album Guts came out and became immediately a success. With her new songs she was able again to convey the experience of being a young girl in the modern days. But this time, she goes beyond that and the songwriter explores new and more mature themes. In songs like making the bed or teenage dream for example we understand that Olvia has already reached success, but she is still fighting with her fears and insecurities. In fact, now she has to deal with the fans' expectations about her writing and her music. Her lyrics confess to us the outbursting rage against an ex-boyfriend or oneself, the fear of growing up, her anxiety about the future, and not being enough. I personally really loved  her new songs, and I decided to collect my favourite lyrics here.

Read also: 13 Taylor Swift's lyrics for people who  want  to live forever in their dreams 

Hope you enjoy! 💜


1. Another perfect moment that doesn't feel like mine - Another thing I forced to be a sign (making the bed - GUTS)

2. Sometimes I feel like I don't wanna be who I am - Every good thing is turning to something I dread (making the bed - GUTS)

3. Your compliments feel like bullets on skin (lacy - GUTS)

4. And I fell for you like water - Falls from the February sky  (logical - GUTS) (Note: I think there is an alliteration here, the repetition of the consonant "f")

5. The sky is green the grass is red - You mean all those words you said (logical- GUTS)

6. The arguments I have won against you in my head - In the shower, in the car and in the mirror before bed (the grudge - GUTS)

7. And when are all my excuses of learning my lessons gonna start to feel sad?- Will I spend all the rest of my years wishing I could go back? (teenage dream - GUTS)

from Pinterest

8. I wanna kiss his face with an uppercut - I wanna meet his mom, just to tell her son sucks  (get him back - GUTS) 

9. We both drew blood but those cuts were never equal (the grudge - GUTS)

10. I used to think I was smart - but you made me look so naive  (vampire - GUTS) 

from the original music video of Vampire

11. They all said that it gets better - it gets better the more you grow - It gets better - but what if I don't? (teengage dream - GUTS)

12. I could change up my body and change up my face - I could try every lipstick in every shade - But I'd always feel the same (pretty isn't pretty - GUTS)

These were all the lyrics that struck me the most from the album Guts by Olivia Rodrigo. I personally believe her writing comes from genuine feelings and deep, sometimes really dark emotions. That's what makes this album relatable for lots of young girls.

Thank you for reading this article!

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