13 Taylor Swift's lyrics about dreaming

13 Taylor Swift's lyrics for people who want to live forever in their dreams

How many times have you had, after a long tired day at school or work, one of those vivid, sweet, almost teatrical dreams where you fell in love with a charming, unforgettable person? Where you fight with your friends a giant snakelike monster? Or where you met again one of your dead loved ones and wanted to remain there forever, without waking up ever again? Probably, so did Taylor Swift too, considering the beautiful lyrics about the unique experience of dreaming that she wrote. 
I collected 13 Lyrics from her songs (the majority of which are from folklore) to sing after a beautiful dream. 

1. I had this dream you’re doing cool shit, having adventures on your own (the 1 - folklore)

2. you  dream of some epiphany, just one single glimpse of relief (ephipany - folklore)

3. Your integrity makes me seem small -You paint dreamscapes on the wall (peace - folklore)

4. In the middle of the night,  when I'm this dream it's like a million little stars spelling out your name (untouchable - fearless)

5. Flying in a dream, stars by the pocketful (snow on the beach ft. Lana del Ray - Midnights)

6. In silent screams, in wildest dreams, I never dreamed of this (this love - 1989)

7. Dreaming dreams with happy endings - In backyards, winning battles with our wooden swords (eyes open)

8. Oh, I can't stop you putting roots in my dream land (ivy - evermore)

9. All your closets of backlogged dreams and how you left them all to me (majorie - evermore)

10.The mischief, the gift-wrapped suburban dreams (coney island - evermore)

11.I had this dream my daughter in law kills me for the money - she thinks I left her in the will (antihero - midnights)

12. I dreamed of you all summer long (betty - folklore)

13. you’re a queen selling dreams, selling makeup and magazines - From you I’d buy anything (dorothea - evermore)

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