Easy doodle of a Lavender (Tutorial for your journal)

Here's a tutorial to draw the flower of lavender on your journal or sketchbook

My reference:

To draw this super easy doodle you only need a black pen, a green marker and a light and dark purple color for the flower

Start drawing with the green marker a line like this: (it doesn't have to be a perfect straight line)

In between the final part of the stem add small ovals with the light purple color (the dimension of a grain of rice)

Continue drawing other ovals to build the base. Follow this direction:

Remember, when you reached the end of the stem, start drawing the ovals clumped together:

Continue till you are satisfy
Then when you almost reached the desired lenght of the lavender, reduce  the dimension of the grains (like a christmas tree)

Now that we have the base, we need the dark purple color to give dimension to the flower. of the lavender. Decide where the light comes from, and color the opposite part of the ovals with the darker color

I do that with every ovals of the flower.

Remember: the "grains" that are nearer to the imaginary light need less shade than the others!

At this point use a black marker to give to the flower a cartoonish aspect.

To make everything a little bit more homogeneus, you can use a purple crayon on top of the shades:

Adjust until you are satisfied. In my opinion, the center should have a darker shade:

Now it's done! 💜

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